GSTIN - 24AABAA0969J1ZU 0261 2536772

Loan / Overdraft Facility Against Fixed Deposit

Limit per Borrower: Upto 90%.
Margin Money: 10%
No. of EMIs: Up to the maturity of F.D.
Rate of Interest: 1% more than FD rate.(For Own FD)
Guarantors: Nil


Overdraft Facility / NSC / KVP / GOI Sec.Loan

Limit per Borrower: Upto 90%.
Margin Money: 10%
No. of EMIs: Up to the maturity of F.D.
Rate of Interest: Up to maturity of the security offered.
Guarantors: Nil


Overdraft against Property Mortgage


Eligibility Criteria :

  • For the purpose of Business.
  • Loan maximum up to 70 % Valuation of the property by the Bank’s approved valuer .
  • Property offered for mortgage requires Titles Clearance certificate from Bank’s approved advocate (This requires before disbursement of loan).
  • Amount of Credit Facility will depend upon the nature of business of the applicant and the worth of the personal guarantees offered.
  • Personal Guarantee of at least two persons having income / asset expectable to the Bank.

**For more details contact you’re nearest Branch.


Cash Credit against Stocks & Book Debts


Eligibility Criteria:

  • For the purpose of Business.
  • Maximum credit facility @ 20% of the Annual Sales Turnover. (Own contribution @5% of the C.C. Limit sanctioned is required).
  • Amount of Credit Facility will depend upon the nature of business of the applicant, offering of collateral security and the worth of the personal guarantees.
  • Personal Guarantee of at least two persons having income / asset expectable to the Bank.

**For more details contact your nearest Branch.